“Rescue and safety” training

The “Rescue and Safety” training will allow you to acquire the knowledge necessary for the use of drones in the context crisis management, in the event of a natural disaster, epidemic or major accident, implementation of devices for the purposes of surveillance, removal of doubts or support for emergency and intervention services . This training is mainly intended for rescue and security professionals, police and firefighters, NGOs, Red Cross and UN staff.


Duration of the training: 2 days

Prerequisites: Discovery, remote pilot

Sector of activity: Rescue and security professionals, police, firefighters, NGOs,

red cross and UN staff

Languages: French

Number of participants: 3 to 8

Minimum age: from 16 years old

Price: CHF 992 .-

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“Rescue and Safety” objectives

  • Introduction and basic principles
  • Risk analysis
  • Site security and operational deployment
  • Flight practice and video protection

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